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How to Have Whiter Teeth?
There are many ways to whiten your teeth. Bleaching at a clinic, at home as well as over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpaste, tooth patches, pens and mouthwashes. In general, your dentist can advise which is most suitable for your teeth. Another option is laser bleaching.
If You Choose Laser Bleaching
The dentist will cover your gums with a rubber guard or protective gel. The bleach gel is then allowed to act on the teeth for a specific period of time. An ultraviolet laser is also used to activate the whitening ingredients in the bleached gel. Several visits are required to complete this treatment. Laser-enhanced bleaching method significantly enhances your white smile but costs significantly more than home bleaching products. At the end of the treatment, you will receive a teeth whitening kit to help maintain them at home.
Bleaching is not recommended if you have tooth-coloured fillings, crowns, caps or bonding in your front teeth — the bleach will not change the colour of these materials. In these cases, you may want to investigate other options, like veneers or bonding.